Keller-Soft™ Workplace Emergency & Disaster Plan Customizer™

Easily create emergency and disaster safety plans to protect your company and your employees.

Think it takes too much time to create emergency and disaster safety plans? Not anymore! With the Keller-Soft™ Workplace Emergency & Disaster Plan Customizer, just choose a plan and answer a few questions ... and the plan is written for you!

You can use this timesaving software to quickly create an ...

The software also provides emergency and disaster reference information such as plain-English explanations and government documents. It even allows you to make edits to the text you input as well as the pre-written text ... so you have the ultimate say in how your plans read. Plus, you can download information to your handheld computer.

With the help of the Customizer, your company will be better prepared for all types of emergencies and disasters (from cargo theft to chemical spills). And that preparation will go a long way toward keeping your company in business ... and up and running again.

CD-ROM package, single- user version, includes on-screen help and 12 months unlimited toll-free support.

System operating requirements: IBM® PC or 100% compatible computer (Pentium II class or higher), minimum of 32 MB RAM to operate (64 MB or higher recommended), a hard disk with 40 MB available. Windows® '95 (or higher) operating system. CD-ROM drive and mouse required. Video with resolution at least 800 x 600 (small fonts), 16-bit color. Compatible printer recommended. Palm OS® 3.1 or higher required for handheld capabilities.

ISBN 1-59042-075-6

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